Java 1.6
- download the JDK and run installation
- add the /jdk/bin directory to your system path
- create JAVA_HOME environment variable pointing to the root JDK directory
- download binary and unzip to a local directory
- edit the /bin/mvn.bat file to increase the Maven heap size (MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx512m)
- add the /maven/bin directory to your system path
- download Eclipse and run installation
- open Eclipse
- create a new workspace
- create new project or import any existing projects
- setup m2eclipse plugin
- go to Help->Software Updates->Available Software tab
- then click 'Add Site' and add ' and call it 'm2eclipse'
- select the m2clipse components to install, click finish and restart Eclipse
- go to Windows->Preferences->Maven->Installations
- set the user settings to your maven settings.xml file
- verify that this setup the M2_REPO variable to point to your local repo under Java->Build Path->Classpath Variables
- go to Windows->Preferences->Maven->Archetypes
- click 'Add Remote Catalog'
- catalog file =
- name = Fuse Catalog
- click OK
- donwload Fuse ESB 4.2 and run installation
- create a new project using an archetype (Maven template) that best matches your application needs
- from Eclipse
- File->New->Maven->Maven Project
- check 'use default workspace location' and click next
- choose the 'Fuse Catalog' and enter a desire filter
- choose an archetype
- click next
- enter a group id of 'com.<company>.<project>'
- enter an artifact of '<component>'
- enter a package name of 'com.<company>.<project>.<component>'
- click finish
- note: I have seen issues with some archetypes in Eclipse, if this happens, use the command line approach instead
- from command line
- mvn archetype:create
-Dversion=0.0.1-SNAPSHOT - build the project
- in Eclipse
- right click on the project, go to Run As->Maven install
- from command line
- run 'mvn install'
- project JAR will be created under the /target directory and deployed it to your local Maven repository
- deploying the project to Fuse ESB 4.2
- run /<smx>/bin/servicemix to start the server
- make sure any required features/bundles have been installed
- activemq, camel, etc
- from the karaf console, install your project bundle
- osgi:install -s mvn:com.mycompany.project1/component1
- assuming that worked, you now have a working project
- customize project and repeat build/deploy process
- watch the servicemix log file
- tail -f /<smx>/data/log/karaf.log
- JConsole
- <jdk>/bin/jconsole.exe
- provides remote/local JVM monitoring
- remote connection uri = service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://:1099/jmxrmi
- default user/password = karaf/karaf
- VisualVM
- <jdk>/bin/jvisualvm.exe
- provides remote/local JVM monitoring (slightly better than JConsole)
- cygwin - adds basic Linux command support for Windows
- PowerCMD - tabbed command prompts...trial/not free
- kdiff3 - excellent file/directory comparison tool
- SoapUI - for testing HTTP endpoints
If you know of other configurations or tools that are relevant, let me know...
I would add also ServiceMix IDE:
Which supports provides additional things like camel archetype catalogs for M2E.